Monday, December 28, 2015

What Happens to Litter?

Hi! Brinley here. Today I will be telling you about what happens to litter.

Well, usually litter just sits around. Overtime, this can harm the environment. If the litter does get picked up, it goes to a dump. It is put in a pile of garbage that looks nasty and harms the ecosystem. What we really need to do? Stop littering in the first place.

It is harmful to others when you throw your garbage out the window. Its harmful to the plants and animals, as well as the environment. The earth is not a trash can or a recycling bin. We can help stop littering by spreading the word and recycling. Hope this helped!

Where to put Cans, Paper, and Plastic

Hi guys! Brinley here. Today we will be talking about recycling. I know, I know, we've all heard about it. But hey, its helps make a difference!

What should you recycle?
You should recycle all discarded plastic, aluminum, cans, paper, and cardboard. This helps reduce trash.

How does recycling help make a difference?
When you throw trash away, it is taken to dumps and just stacked up. It looks nasty and is bad for the environment, not to mention its wasting our resources. When you recycle, your discarded paper, plastic, etc. goes to special places where the items are reused.

How can I spread the word?
You can always talk to a teacher about doing a class presentation. You could make your own blog or Prezi. You could make fliers to hang around your community. You could simply tell everyone about recycling. Remember, recycling helps make a difference!

Tell us What you Think.

Hi guys! Tell us whether or not you think we should post about random acts of kindness. Its a nice topic, but its really widespread. Tell us what you think.

Share Your Ideas.

Here at We're Making a difference, we're always looking for ideas to help others. Our main goal is to help people make a difference. But sometimes when we aren't facing a problem ourselves, its hard to come up with something that isn't too obvious. You can help us! Post your ideas below. Thanks!


   Hi guys! I'm Brinley. I am one of the authors of We're Making a Difference, and I am proud to be one. The members of We're Making a Difference are, well- making a difference! I usually write about animal conservation. I love animals and have a deep passion for them. In fact, in 2013, I created It has over 3,000 page views and is making a powerful effect on everyone who reads it. I also write about the respect of others and how to make arts and crafts to share with your friends.

   I am happy to answer any questions that you have, whether or not its about animals, arts and crafts, or this blog. I'll respond to any comments and answer every question to make sure you leave our site knowing how you can make a difference.

   The creators of We're Making a Difference may be young, but we're powerful. And we can DEFINITELY help make a difference.

How to Make Friendship Bracelets for your BFF

Hi guys! Brinley here. Today I will show you how to make friendship bracelets that your best friends will love!

Step 1. Get some yarn. Make sure it is a nice color that your friend will like. If you are all out, you can buy some at your local craft store.

Step 2. Find some beads. Be sure that the colors of your beads go with the colors of your yarn.

Step 3. Measure the yarn with your wrist. Cut the yarn, leaving a little extra space for it to be tied.

Step 4. String on your beads. You can do a pattern, color blocking, or anything you can imagine!

Step 5. Double knot the yarn.

Your best friend will love your homemade friendship bracelet!

Hope this makes the perfect gift for your friend! Be sure to leave your comments and questions below.

Sea Glass Jewelry

Hi guys! Brinley here. Today I'm going to talk to you about how to make fun and creative sea glass jewelry! This can be used as a gift or just for yourself, because it is so pretty and so fun to make. Lets get started.

So, what is sea glass? Sea glass is glass that was tossed into the ocean hundreds of years ago. It was tossed and turned in the ocean until the sharp edges were gone and it developed frost. You can find sea glass in many places all over the world. I live somewhere where we don't have a lot of sea glass. Heck, we have no sea glass at all! But I went to Alaska and Florida and found some gorgeous pieces! People can also make sea glass themselves with a special tosser. You can make your own or buy some at a local craft store.

Step 1: Get some sea glass. If you live by sea glass, you can go collect some. If you have some leftover from vacations, you can use that. You can even buy man-made sea glass at a craft store; anything works.

Step 2: Get some wire. We will wrap the sea glass with the wire, so make sure you get a color wire that compliments the color of your sea glass.

Step 3: Start wrapping! You can make any design you wish! Here is a tutorial that REALLY helped me out (video not mine.)
Hope this makes the perfect gift! Be sure to share your comments below!

Should Animals be in Captivity?

Hi! Brinley here with another Animal Conservation post. Today's topic is all about animals in captivity. So, the question is: Should animals be in captivity? The answer? Yes and no.

You see, some animals in sanctuaries cannot be released back into the wild because they were injured or abandoned. Big Cat Rescue is a place with those kinds of animals. They provide safe and happy homes for their animals. They get no money and are all volunteers trying to help big cats.

However, there are some zoos and organizations that do not follow these same rules. Exotic pet owners, canned hunters, and people who own exotics to be pet at malls all cruelly hold these animals in captivity. Some exotic pet owners don't know this. They think that having a wild pet is the same as having a dog. They're wrong. Dogs and cats have been domesticated a long time ago, and unlike wild animals, they are used to home life.

Even zoos make mistakes. Some breed animals to conserve them when they are really just making more animals which need to be kept from the wild and cannot show their true wild potential. So, how can we help?

You can make a presentation on Prezi, a free and safe online presentation creator. You can make a website. You could just tell all your friends. Or, you could tell your local zoo what they're doing wrong. There are lots of options! The important thing is that you help make a difference!

Be sure to leave your comments and questions below!

The Issue With Circuses

   Hi! Brinley here. Today I will be writing about conservation- the issue with circuses to be more precise. Many of you think circuses are amusing places to get snacks, see animals, and watch cool tricks. I once thought this, too. But now I realize even though the circus if fun for us, it isn't for the animals. They are trapped in cages and forced to do life risking stunts that they would NEVER do in the wild. To learn more about circus cruelty on my blog,, click here:

   In the meantime, lets learn about what we can do to help. One of the things Marcus and I did at our school was making a PowerPoint. We saved it on my flash drive and showed it to our principal, explaining our problem. She loved it! She said she would ask the teachers if we could present it. Another thing you could do could be simply making a banner and putting it outside your home. You can make a free and safe blog like Marcus and I. The important thing is that you help make a difference. Thanks, and feel free to put your comments below!

Q&A's - Get the Answers to Commonly Asked Questions

Q: What inspired you to make this blog?
A: Well, when  I saw the problems both people and animals faced, I knew we had to make a difference. My friend talked to me about making a website at school. I went ahead and made one!

Q: There is a new kid at school who doesn't really have any friends. Any advice?
A: Yes. Go to the kid. Make friends with them. Try to tell them about yourself, and talk about what you both like. When they are your friend, introduce them to others.

Q: Is SavingBigCats different from this?
A: Brinley here. SavingBigCats is my other BlogSpot blog. I made it before Marcus and I came up with the idea for this blog. SavingBigCats is all about animals and conservation, and is only written by me.

Q: Do you plan to do more about this issue in the future?
A: Well, I hope so! I think  I will in the future. I will most likely make more blogs and presentations.

Q: What do you mainly write about on this blog? I know you have many posts about making a difference, but you also have arts and crafts and things like that.
A: We admit it, sometimes we do go a little off topic. Basically, I think we write about things that are relevant to having fun and making some good changes, but we focus on making a difference.
Well, those are the most commonly asked questions. Post your questions or comments below, and we will gladly reply!

Using Your Manners

   In the morning, everyone walks to school, arrives on a bus, or is driven to school by their parents. When we exit our vehicles, the PE coaches help us get out and tell us, "Good Morning." Many people just walk right by. Its not only rude, but it could be hurtful. Its like when you tell someone, "Hi" and they just walk away!

Here's what you can do. Every time someone helps you out, go ahead and thank them. Every time someone says good morning, reply. Every time someone asks how you're doing, ask them how they're doing. These small acts of kindness can really light up someone's day. Marcus and I have been using our manners ever since we realized this issue, and everyone who we talked to ended up with a smile.

Respecting Others

   One of the issues Marcus and I noticed were that people such as members of our school staff were not given the proper respect they deserved. This was a big problem, especially since most of our staff members worked very hard and did a lot for us. So, I came up with this idea!

Since the staff members are overlooked, how about we give them love and attention? Make a card for them thanking them for all that they do and telling them they are amazing. This simple act is very thoughtful, and it will definitely make the person smile. Hope this helps!

About Us

   Hi! Brinley and Marcus here. Recently, Marcus and I noticed some issues that people and animals face. I made But he noticed issues other than conservation. These issues included: respect for school staff, happiness, and being treated equally. He talked to me about this at school. We agreed there was only one way to help us address this issue: to create a blog! I hope you enjoy our creative ideas. I hope our blog helps you make a difference! We may be young, but we can still make a difference!