Monday, December 28, 2015

The Issue With Circuses

   Hi! Brinley here. Today I will be writing about conservation- the issue with circuses to be more precise. Many of you think circuses are amusing places to get snacks, see animals, and watch cool tricks. I once thought this, too. But now I realize even though the circus if fun for us, it isn't for the animals. They are trapped in cages and forced to do life risking stunts that they would NEVER do in the wild. To learn more about circus cruelty on my blog,, click here:

   In the meantime, lets learn about what we can do to help. One of the things Marcus and I did at our school was making a PowerPoint. We saved it on my flash drive and showed it to our principal, explaining our problem. She loved it! She said she would ask the teachers if we could present it. Another thing you could do could be simply making a banner and putting it outside your home. You can make a free and safe blog like Marcus and I. The important thing is that you help make a difference. Thanks, and feel free to put your comments below!

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