Hi! Brinley here with another Animal Conservation post. Today's topic is all about animals in captivity. So, the question is: Should animals be in captivity? The answer? Yes and no.
You see, some animals in sanctuaries cannot be released back into the wild because they were injured or abandoned. Big Cat Rescue is a place with those kinds of animals. They provide safe and happy homes for their animals. They get no money and are all volunteers trying to help big cats.
However, there are some zoos and organizations that do not follow these same rules. Exotic pet owners, canned hunters, and people who own exotics to be pet at malls all cruelly hold these animals in captivity. Some exotic pet owners don't know this. They think that having a wild pet is the same as having a dog. They're wrong. Dogs and cats have been domesticated a long time ago, and unlike wild animals, they are used to home life.
Even zoos make mistakes. Some breed animals to conserve them when they are really just making more animals which need to be kept from the wild and cannot show their true wild potential. So, how can we help?
You can make a presentation on Prezi, a free and safe online presentation creator. You can make a website. You could just tell all your friends. Or, you could tell your local zoo what they're doing wrong. There are lots of options! The important thing is that you help make a difference!
Be sure to leave your comments and questions below!